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Humbly Slowing Down


I'm feeling grateful for my loving husband and this sweater Grandma knitted some 40 years ago - it fits over my big paw and matches my new favorite scarf :)


For those who have expressed concern, I'm happy to report that surgery went really well and I have a surprising amount of energy. Where there was a pesky, invading cyst, there is now a dull ache in my right wrist.

One of the first thoughts I had after coming out of surgery was how fortunate and grateful I am for all the support and advanced medical care that I have. I considered all the people without financial resources, family, or access to quality care. I feel extremely grateful that I live in a place where I don't have to worry about infection or extreme pain. I'm especially grateful that I have so many people who have extended their thoughts and well-wishes to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you -

I feel the love.

In the coming month or so of resting and rehabilitating my gimpy right paw, I will be directing my energy toward inquiring to truly realize the nature and importance of self-love, relaxation, and personal awareness.

It's humbling to realize how much more I still have to learn about slowing down and prioritizing my own self care. There's nothing quite like recovering from surgery to learn that lesson. And there's no practice quite like Yin and restorative yoga to help teach that lesson. I'll be sharing this practice on Monday and Wednesday evenings this month at Abhyasa which I hope you will join.

I will also be writing regularly about my inquiries and discoveries. You're invited you to tune into my blog which can be found on my website, newsletter, and Facebook page. As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions, feedback or requests of how I may help you with any of your needs.


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